Saving a Tooth: Put a Cap On It

Cap for Tooth Why We Want to Save Our Teeth

Our teeth not only help us to chew, they also help define our facial structure and how we present ourselves to others.

Saving a tooth is a way of to maintain our health and our smiles. In a perfect world, our teeth would last a lifetime. They would never crack, loosen or decay.

But, of course, even with the best oral hygiene and preventive care, even when we are as careful as we can be with our teeth, they do crack, loosen and, sometimes, decay.
The part of our teeth above that shows above the gum line, the part that helps us to chew and looks so great when we smile, is only about one-third of our entire tooth.
The other two-thirds is the root, below the gum line. That root is held in place by the bone of our jaws. The bone of our jaws give our face structure and shape.
Once the tooth is lost, the bone in the jaw no longer has anything to support, and it begins to deteriorate.

So, besides the problem of not being able to chew, speak or swallow as well as we should when a tooth is lost, there is also the problem of bone loss.

Cap for ToothWhy It’s Good to Put a Cap on It

  • Caps, or crowns, can be placed right over a tooth.
  • If a tooth is broken, decayed or discolored it may be possible to save it, by removing the broken or decayed portion and placing a cap on it.
  • Caps are also used to top off Dental Implants. Dental Implants work like our regular teeth to maintain bone in the jaw.
  • A tooth cap can also be used to anchor a dental bridge.
  • Tooth Caps are often covered by dental insurance.
  • Caps last, on average, between 5 to 15 years and are easily replaced of they become loose or chipped.
  • Caps look and feel like natural teeth.
  • It’s easy to care for Caps on teeth…you take care of them just like you would your natural teeth.

Cap for ToothHow to Get Started

All it takes is an assessment and an x-ray to find out if a Tooth Cap is right for you.

We have an on-site laboratory, to ensure a perfect fit and a perfect color match.
Contact us if you have any further questions about putting a Cap on a Tooth, or to make an appointment to get started.

Contact Us to get started…and soon, you won’t hesitate to say, “Cheese”.

Call Us: 954-568-9100

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