Same Day Emergency Dentist

Same Day Emergency Dentist

Same Day Emergency Dentist

At one time or another, you may need to see a same day emergency dentist. The number of emergency dentist incidents have doubled since 1997.

Sometimes the issue is a trauma injury. An accidental elbow during a friendly basketball pickup game can easily damage a tooth. Gum or tooth disease flare-up can be a problem as well. Sometimes these illnesses have almost no symptoms until they suddenly erupt without warning.

What Constitutes an “Emergency”?

Not all cuts, bruises, and other injuries require an ER visit. In the same way, not all tooth trauma or toothaches are emergency situations. Ideally, it’s best to call Dr. Stone’s office and tell them about the problem. Emergencies are seen during our business hours – the same day if possibleYou can also do a self-assessment before you contact us:

  • Source Pain: Toothaches and chipped teeth hurt. If the pain interferes with eating, talking, or other everyday activities, call us straightaway. The sooner we address the issue, the better the results will be.
  • Blood: We all know the difference between a trickle and a gusher. Many people call a same day emergency dentist for the latter but not the former. That could be a mistake. That trickle of blood may not be a big deal. But, it may also be the symptom of a serious nerve or other injury.
  • Non-Source Pain: Serious toothaches sometimes cause neck pain and headaches. Mild toothache pain and a stiff neck could mean serious trouble.
  • Cracks, Chips & Cosmetic Issues: Small cracks and chips sometimes constitute an emergency.  In some cases, Dr. Stone may craft a temporary veneer or crown to get you through the next few hours.

If you have any questions about sudden toothache pain or dental trauma, err on the side of caution and call us. Once we have more information, we can give you better advice.

Getting Ready for Your Same Day Emergency Dental Visit

Same Day Emergency Dentist

Dr. Stone is a specialist in tooth replacement, a Prosthodontist, and has been placing dental implants surgically since 1991. Call if you have a dental emergency.

For toothache pain, Anti-inflammatory pain medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen can provide some immediate tooth pain relief by relieving pressure on nerve endings. When selecting a product, look for one that lists toothache pain relief on the bottle.

If you chip a tooth, keep the area clean and use a cold compress to decrease swelling. The cold also numbs the pain.

It’s important to keep a knocked-out tooth hydrated. If possible, keep the tooth against the gumline, since saliva is an excellent tooth hydrator. Or, keep the tooth in milk.

Our same day emergency dentist services are always available. If you have an issue that cannot wait, even if it is mostly a cosmetic problem, reach out to Dr. John Stone at Best Dental Associates. We take care of patients in Ft. Lauderdale and the entire Broward County area.

Same Day Emergency Dentist


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