All-On-4 Dental Implant Cost

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All-On-4 Dental Implant Cost If your teeth are in a really bad condition and they are prone to falling out, you might want to consider All-on-4 dental implants. Thanks to developments in dentistry, you are now able to replace all your teeth without having to use dentures (removable false teeth). Good candidates for the procedure generally either don’t have teeth, or have only some of their teeth left that are often severely damaged. To replace all your teeth by doing one dental implant at a time for each tooth could take a long time and be very costly. Luckily, there’s a better method that allows patients to replace all of their teeth without having to invest as much time or money.

What Are All-On-4 Dental Implants?

All-On-4 dental implants replace all of a patient’s missing teeth by using four dental bridges for each jaw that are held in place with screws that are implanted into the jaw. What makes the procedure attractive, is that dentists typically don’t remove a lot of bone tissue performing it, on the contrary the implanted screws replace some or the missing bone tissue and stimulate new bone growth. All-on-4 dental implants can be done on patients even if they lost all of their teeth many years ago. This means that it’s also possible for patients who no longer like using dentures to undergo the procedure if they want a more permanent solution. The new teeth look exactly like real ones and they can be cared for like you would care for natural teeth. Dental implants last most patients their whole life.

What Do All-On-4 Implants Cost?

All on four implants

All-on-4s attach fasten to the abutment of the dental implant

There are numerous things that influence the cost of All-On-4 dental implants. The experience and skill of your dentist and additional procedures like bone grafting, tooth extractions (if your dentist has to pull any teeth you still have), X-rays and CT scans will all have an impact on the price you’ll ultimately end up paying. While your dentist will be able to give you a rough estimate, he or she won’t be able to tell you the exact cost.

But if you want an idea of what All-On-4 dental implants will cost you, the costs range widely and you could pay anywhere from $35,000 to $60,000. That’s quite expensive, but you probably won’t have to worry about having a lot of dental work done after that. An annual check-up might be the only dental work you’ll ever need again.

Financing All-On-4 Implants

All-On-4 Dental Implant CostHealth insurance providers don’t generally cover dental implants, as many have labelled it as a cosmetic procedure. But many companies are beginning to realise the long-term value of the procedure and many health insurance companies will be willing to put the cost of dentures towards implants instead, so it’s worth asking.

If financing All-On-4 dental implants would still be a problem for you, there are still options you could explore. Companies like CareCredit offer you the option to pay for dental procedures that aren’t covered by your health insurance. Instead of having pay everything at once, you’ll then have to option to pay in affordable monthly instalments. To help his patients finance their dental work, Dr. Stone is registered with CareCredit.

Visit Dr. Stone

If All-On-4 dental implants interest you, book an appointment with Dr. Stone. He’s a prosthodontist, meaning he specializes in replacing missing teeth by using dental prosthetics (more commonly referred to as implants). He has worked as a prosthodontist for more than thirty years and enjoys helping his patients get the smile they’ve always wanted.

Tooth Replacement Options and Dental Implants

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