Finding the Best Partial Dentures

Best Partial Dentures

Over 130 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Chipped, broken, or missing teeth wreak havoc on your self-confidence. That mindset affects both your personal and professional relationships. But the issue is not just a cosmetic one. If even one tooth is missing, the gap puts additional pressure on the remaining teeth. Furthermore, exposed areas are highly prone to bacteria. So, the problem will get worse, unless you do something about it.

Types of Dentures

Best Partial DenturesThe George Washington/wooden dentures story is a myth, but dentures have been around for a long time. Over the years, they’ve been made from various materials. Today’s dentures look better and are stronger than ever before.

Full dentures replace all your missing, natural teeth. The best partial dentures are usually the removable ones. They look just like natural teeth and act just like natural teeth as well. But, at night, you can take them out and clean them. That’s a major advantage.

Lots of people also ask about specialized dentures. Many people are missing several teeth in the same area, perhaps due to a trauma injury. If that’s the case, a dental bridge may be the best partial dentures. Bridges are “permanent” to the extent that only your prosthodontist can remove them.

Facelifting dentures are quite popular as well. Those aforementioned gaps do more than invite bacteria. They also cause the face to sag, because the bone atrophies when the teeth are missing. The best partial dentures reverse this process. It’s like getting a facelift in addition to a new smile.

Should I Get the Best Partial Dentures or Implants?

The best partial dentures are non-invasive, so they cost a lot less than dental implants. Furthermore, if the patient has lost bone mass, which is quite typical, there’s no need to graft bone cells from another part of the body. Finally, mostly due to our onsite laboratory, Dr. Stone can fit the best partial dentures in just a few visits.

Dental implants, on the other hand, are as close as one can get to natural teeth. A titanium post replaces the root, and a porcelain, metal, or composite surface replaces the crown (visible part of the tooth). So, implants are incredibly long-lasting, very easy to care for, and support a healthy jaw.

In other words, both dental implants and the best partial dentures have significant pros. During your initial consultation, Dr. Stone will review all of them with you, as well as any downside of dentures or implants. Our goal is to give you as much information as possible, so you can make an informed choice.

Speaking of your initial consultation, you have every reason to call Dr. John Stone at Best Dental Associates right away. We’re always anxious to tell new patients about all the exciting options available, and welcome them into our dental family.

Best Partial Dentures


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