What do Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost?

In the US, the cost of one dental implant can range from $1,500 to $6,000. The average cost is $4,000. If every tooth in your mouth needs replacing, 28 implants could cost you $112,000 if you pay $4,000 for each one. Today no one gets 28 individual implants because full mouth dental implants have the same benefits without the cost. So, what do full mouth dental implants cost?

What do Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost?
94 percent of those who choose All-on-4 implants report they are highly satisfied with the outcome.

What are full mouth dental implants?

Full mouth dental implants, or All-on-4s, are a new technology in the dental world that are quickly replacing traditional dentures. If this is your first time hearing about All-on-4 dental implants, here’s what you need to know.

All on Four Dental Implants
All on Four Dental Implants

All-on-4s are named for the number of implants in the procedure. Four implants are placed on the top of the mouth and four on the bottom. These implants anchor a set of permanent dentures, which now act as your permanent teeth. You won’t need to take your dentures out at night to clean them, and you won’t have to use chemicals to glue them in every morning.

Why should I get All-on-Four implants instead of dentures?

There are many advantages to full mouth dental implants. Here are just a few:

  • Health: Bone tissue in your jaw deteriorates in the area surrounding a missing tooth. Implants are the only option that create the same environment for the jawbone as that of a real tooth, so your bone tissue stays healthy and strong, a process called osseointegration. Dentures, even with all the cleaning and headache, are less clean than your natural teeth and have a higher chance of leading to infection. There’s even a type of infection named denture stomatitis that’s related to the use of dentures.
  • Maintenance and Ease: Dentures can be annoying for a couple of reasons. They slide around in your mouth and can cause sores and discomfort. The chemicals you clean them with and use to keep them attached in your mouth taste strange and affect your experience eating. Full mouth dental implants don’t need to be removed at night, and are treated just like normal teeth. They don’t need different chemicals and so you’ll be able to enjoy the taste of food just like before your new teeth.
  • Permanency: Full mouth dental implants can last you a lifetime. Dentures might last you five to eight years, and then you’ll need to buy a new set. This cost adds up, and it’s going to require more trips to your dentist. When you’re weighing your options, you should think about how these decisions will affect your life not only today, but also in ten or twenty years.

What is the procedure like?

The procedure for full mouth dental implants is relatively simple. You’ll need to go to your prosthodontist, a dentist who specializes in oral reconstructive work, and talk over options and pricing. During your next visit, the implants will be placed. You’ll then need three to six months to allow for the bone to heal around the implants. The next time you go to your prosthodontist, they can finish installing your full mouth dental implants.

Most people only need over-the-counter painkillers after the procedure, and most don’t even need them after the first day. The minor pain should quickly disappear, with most patients reporting no pain after the first week. If you do continue to have any pain, you should call your prosthodontist to ensure that everything’s healing properly.

What do full mouth dental implants cost?

The average cost for full mouth dental implants can range from $20,000 – $35,000. Prices can vary dramatically depending on what materials are used, what additional procedures you need performed before the implants are placed, and what city you live in.

While we understand this is a considerable cost, 94 percent of those who choose All-on-4 implants report they are highly satisfied with the outcome. You’re making a long-term investment in your oral health, and you’re going to pay a lot less in maintenance over the years compared to dentures.

Complimentary Consultation

At Dr. Stone’s practice, we offer complimentary consultations to new and prospective patients. We think that the information you need to make your oral-health decisions should be free, so we’ll never charge you to come in and talk through your questions.

You can do all the research in the world, but it doesn’t compete with sitting across from the person you’re going to be working with. Come in and start the conversation. Dr. Stone has been practicing for over thirty years, and would love to help you figure out what’s right for you. Schedule your appointment today.

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