How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

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What is the Average Cost of Dental Implants?

ooth implant cost,The completed Dental Implant is made up of three parts:

  • The Dental Implant, which replaces the root of the missing tooth
  • The Abutment, which attaches to the Dental Implant
  • The Cap or Crown, which is the tooth itself, that is placed over the abutment

The average cost of a Dental Implant, in the United States, is $2450.
The average cost of an Abutment and Crown is $1750.
The total cost is about $4250.

How is the Cost of a Dental Implant Determined?

Placing a Dental Implant properly takes the proper tools and expertise.

After the tooth is removed, a space for the Dental Implant is drilled into the bone of the jaw.

  • The Dental Implant is put into place.
  • The Abutment is placed onto the Dental Implant.
  • The Crown is placed on the Abutment.

The cost of the implant varies with the part of the country it is done, if it’s done in an urban or suburban area, the materials used and the expertise of the dentists performing the procedure.

Cost of Dental Implants

The three parts of a Dental Implant

There are ads on the internet for “Teeth in a Day,” and you don’t have to leave the office with a tooth missing. But it takes weeks for the Dental Implant to be completely integrated into the jaw before the permanent Crown can be placed.

Having a dentist that is able to follow a patient’s progress from start to finish is an important part of the process and the cost of the Dental Implant.

It may be cheaper to have a “Tooth in a Day” Dental Implant done in a clinic in Tijuana, but the skill of the dentist who does it and the lack of follow-up care available, may turn out to be very costly, in the long run.

Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Dental Implants?

Dental Implants have long been considered a Cosmetic procedure, so insurance companies have not been willing to pay for them in the past. Things are changing, and insurance companies have been recognizing the long-term value of Dental Implants. Insurance Companies now offer coverage for Dental Implants and may put the cost of dentures toward the cost of Dental Implants.

Why Go to a Prosthodontist for Dental Implants?

Dr. Stone - all on 4 dental implants

Dr. Stone is a specialist in tooth replacement, a Prosthodontist, and has been placing dental implants surgically since 1991.

A Prosthodontist is dentist who with specialized training in Cosmetic Dentistry, including the placement of Dental Implants.

Dr. Stone is an experienced Prosthodontist who teaches Dental Implant technique to other dentists at two colleges in South Florida.

Before placing Dental Implants, additional treatment may need to be done, like bone grafting, and a skilled Prosthodontist is able to assess and perform needed surgical procedures.

Dr. Stone has an on-site laboratory to ensure the best care and lowest cost for his patients.

Please give us a call if you would like to schedule a consultation or if you have questions about the cost of Dental Implants or any of the other procedures we do in the office.

Dental Implants

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